16/02/20 – Dennis the Menace

Hello All, hope you all haven’t been blown/washed away by Storm Dennis! This weekend has concentrated again on the Yellow Coach, though Dave, Matt and Jack had a day at Quorn on Sunday sorting some bits out for Madge and Goods Galore, but first some news from last week. In our haste to leave the Heritage Railway Association Awards to avoid the wrath of Storm Ciara, we had not picked up our runners up prize for the Communications Award. David Morgan very kindly dropped it off at Loughborough for us to pick up.


Nick, Jake, Matt and I were in attendance Saturday, slowly making headway with the coach. Jake and I tried to pull some more wires through for the bedroom but unfortunately failed due to the amount of elbows in the run. Nick did some small jobs until he went to drop his van to be looked at. Matt cut out and primed a headboard for the Fish and Chip specials. Having failed with the wire pulling I gave up and replaced the board at the back of the mess room heaters. All of the vertical heaters on the coach seem to have suffered a bit of heat damage behind them, so the opportunity has been taken to repair some of the damage and stop it happening in the future. Once finished with the headboard, Matt made some standoffs for the junction boxes I’d fitted underneath the coach.

Sunday had Nick and I at Rothley, Nick bitumening the back side of the metal that has been welded in during the week, in Jamie’s lunch hours. I gave the heater board a lick of paint then reassembled the heaters with some 3/4″ spacers to introduce an air gap between the heater and the wall. I then made some supporting brackets for the conduit runs underneath the 2 bunk beds.

Matt, Dave and Jack completed the following jobs at Quorn:

  • Fitted 1950s number plates to Madge
  • Completed the trailer poster boards by adding a black border to the grey box
  • Removable number plate fitting added to the trailer
  • 20mph sign sign written and affixed to the trailer.
  • Several sacks stuffed for Goods Galore, with 2 sacks left to fill.

Author: Ross Loades

Wagon Basher and Systems Engineer in the Rail Industry